goodnight starshine
10:18 p.m. & 2007-05-13

a lack of focus.

a lack of self control.

at least i've got something to smile about.


i don't know what to do with you. i either give up too easily or i try to hard. help me, please. your birthday's coming up.


he holds me while i lay still, worries leaking from my fingertips & mouth, the words slowly reluctantly eventually forming at my lips & softly kissed away. he looks me in my hazelgreenbluebrowngrey eyes & promises promises it'll be okay. for some reason i believe him.


your fingers drum lightly on my bare back, silly little rhythms you've memorized after years of practice. your fingertips hold no secrets, only simple little truths which your soft blue eyes release. those fingertips hold my heartbeat, memorized & silly soft.


we step outside with this sun blaring down & your tender feet can't handle the rays of heat being soaked up by the asphalt. we both know your "summer's not coming" is an obvious lie. but i sink into the sidewalk, absorbing heat into my cold natured skin, until your hands on my hips & your lips on my lips let me know i don't have to.

you're already missed